How to set up a website in 5 minutes

How to set up a website in 5 minutes

2010, Jan 01    
  1. Clone a Github repo with one of the free Jekyll templates. For example, this website uses flexible-jekyll theme. or

  2. Publish on Github Pages following the instructions here. In short:
    • if your repo adress is, then your website will be published at,
    • however, you can rename your repo to which will publish your website at without any subdomain,
    • make sure that the content of your Jekyll config file _config.yml matches the address of the Github repo:

      baseurl: “” url: “

  3. If you want to build the website locally to preview the changes before pushing them to the public repo:
    • first set up a server and click on the url to open it in a browser:

      jekyll s

    • then, after every change you want to see applied in the website, just build without setting up a new server

      jekyll b

    • refresh the website in your browser.